Recent new features include:
- Door Options
- Panel Treatments (Grooving Etc)
- Panel Spacing
(2" on
center, 2-1/2" On Center etc.)
- Outside Options
- 4 more User Definable Door Options
- Material Thickness and Attributes options
- Boring and Hinging: Automatically Count (and price) Bores and/or
Hinges based on Door size
- Email of Customer Reports:
- Price Quotes
- Acknowledgements
- Invoices
- Enhanced "Custom" Pricing on a line
item basis
- Quick "Capture" of Specifications
from any line item for enhanced data entry/editing
- Automatic separation of Jobs and Quotes
- Separate Auto-Notes for Invoices, Acknowledgements and Quotes
- Back Order and Re-Make Capability (Automatically generate Back
Orders and Re-Make Orders)
- On the fly Custom Door changes during job entry
- Door Testing Button (Show me the parts) while defining or changing
- Over 30 New Job Reports… Plus reports
options and Many New Management reports
- Enhanced QuickBooks® functionality
- New Metric options (including metric shop output)
- Many new options and switches that tailor Doorlister® to
your business
- New Export formats for CNC equipment
- Bar Codes Now Available for customizing